CSU Blackboard Ultra FAQs

The Blackboard Ultra Learning Management System (LMS) environment at CSU possesses distinctive characteristics that necessitate particular attention during various stages of course development. The subsequent details underscore these unique aspects.

Module Pages and Layout

  1. Programs use two-digit modules instead of weeks [Module 01, 01, 03...]
  2. Architecture of pages
    • Overview pages uses a single HTML container [API does not work in milti-container page]
    • All lessons are broken into multi-HTML containers [chunks of information]
    • All graded assessments built on templetized native pages
  3. Custom page[s] [hidden] in every module for new [in live course] faculty content

HTML Page Setup

  1. Page Title and HTML Title need to match for API Activitiy Table to recognize page
    • Lesson X.X: Title
    • Discussion X.X: Title
    • Assignment X.X: Title
    • Quiz X.X: Title
    • Activity X.X: Title
  2. Standard header and footer needs to be in every containter
  3. Use comment groups to contain content for organization and easy scan
  4. Overview page HTML needs to be modified to accomodate all lessons, assessments, and activities

Page Elements and ID Tools

This page can be used to store commonly used page elements used in page development

  1. Callouts, lines, end of page, navigation
  2. Gizmo instructions repair
  3. Blue links
  4. Reading
  5. Use of imagery and AI
  6. Other

Gradebook Setup

Set up the gradebook categories early in course development

  1. Categories, once created cannot be deleted but can be turned off
  2. Graded assessments are due on Sunday by 11:59pm EST [unless told otherwise]
  3. CSU-JD Standards:
    • There are no fixed standards for gradebook setup, including points v. percent
    • The LMS gradebook in not used by most faculty to tally final grades which are calculated outside of the LMS
    • Students are graded on a curve after the final exam/project is graded
    • Midterms and Finals are usually take outside of the LMS using a proctoring tool [in flux]
    • There should be a proxy assignment page for the midterm and final [if taken outside of LMS]
  4. CSU-ABSN Standards
    • Gradeable assignment in 1st week
    • No high stakes [points] assignment in 1st 2-weeks
    • Include formative assessment opportunities (practice activities, self-checks, review guides, and problem sets) in the course
    • All courses include NCLEX practice questions. 
    • Some courses require ATI practice exams [refer to ABSN Standards doc]
    • Some courses require ATI proctured exams [refer to ABSN Standards doc]
    • Some courses require clinical prep information or activities [refer to ABSN Standards doc]
    • All non-ATI exams are synchronous and require Respondus Lockdown and Monitor. 
    • TurnItIn is used on all assignments and written assessments
    • Refer to Prelicensure Test Guidelines for additional information on exam setup
    • Each assignment has a rubric with specific and descriptive criteria

Student Engagement Calculations

In order to ensure optimal student engagement, it is essential to calculate and record the estimated time required for all course activities. These calculations should be meticulously logged in the ‘Student Engagement’ worksheet associated with the course.

Furthermore, the rigor of the course on a weekly basis should be evaluated in consultation with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). These discussions should leverage the aforementioned calculations to ascertain whether the student engagement aligns with the expectations set forth, considering the number of credits allocated to the course.

LTI Page

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ad commodi delectus eaque fugit impedit, in labore maxime officiis, porro praesentium quaerat quas ratione rerum.

Syllabus Server Location

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ad commodi delectus eaque fugit impedit, in labore maxime officiis, porro praesentium quaerat quas ratione rerum.

Course Notes and Revisions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ad commodi delectus eaque fugit impedit, in labore maxime officiis, porro praesentium quaerat quas ratione rerum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ad commodi delectus eaque fugit impedit, in labore maxime officiis, porro praesentium quaerat quas ratione rerum.

Librarian Invitation

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